Tricks, Tips & Latest News

How to Settle In Smoothly to Your Post-Retirement House

You’ve just gone through a move in your retirement years. While moving homes is stressful and laborious enough, it can be particularly hard when y...

How to Incorporate Spring Into Your Home Decor

 Tired of the dreary winter look and want to incorporate spring into your home decor? We know just the tips!

Home Staging VS Home Styling?

You think it’s time to put your house up for sale.  Or you’re sick of looking at the same walls of your tired house but you aren't sure what servic...

How to Transition from Holiday to Winter Home Decor

In order to transition from holiday to winter home decor, you need to have a few aces up your sleeve. Let's create a great space together!

7 Ways to Add More Texture to Your Home

Your interior design may be on point, but it’s just missing a little something. It could be color, a piece of furniture that stands out, or wall a...

22 in 2022 Organization Challenge

The week before Christmas, sitting in my leather swivel chair, I look outside our living room window to see yet another delivery truck go by.  I’ve...

6 Unexpected Places to Hang Art in Your Home

6 Unexpected Places to Hang Art in Your Home The purpose of art is to delight our eyes. It comes in many shapes, sizes, materials, and colors. It c...

7 New Year's Resolutions For Your Home

7 New Year's Resolutions For Your Home Sometimes, you start out with an exact idea of how you want the interior design of your home to look, but wi...

8 Awesome Decorating Palettes for Winter

If you are looking to make a change in your home this winter, you came to the right place. And with the holidays quickly approaching, it may be t...

How to Decorate Your Kids' Room for the Holidays

How to Decorate Your Kids' Room for the Holidays Winter and the season of festivities are ahead of us. Christmas and New Year are just around the ...

5 Best Tips For Decorating Your Rental Property

Decorating a rental property differs from your permanent home. The lease agreement may not permit you to decorate to the extent of making permanen...

Refresh Your Home for the Post-Pandemic Market by Megan Cooper

The pandemic changed the way that people work, shop, and learn. Moreover, it changed how people live. As the world begins to emerge from the pandem...